Antique Archaeology in Nashville has been honored by House Beautiful on the magazine’s very first list of the “Best Home Stores in America”. To celebrate, Mike’s on hand here to give you an exclusive personal tour of the shop. Join him as he walks you through a collection of the very special items you’ve seen on American Pickers, proudly displayed in this unique setting, awaiting the appreciative shoppers who will help these collectibles find their new homes. Watch the tour below. Enjoy!
Previously published by House Beautiful by Candace Braun Davison. November 21, 2019
At Antique Archaeology, the treasure is real.
Just like when he’s scouring small towns across the U.S., Mike Wolfe has a rule when you visit his store, Antique Archaeology: Take three laps before committing to anything. “In my experience, the best pieces are sometimes in the places you would least expect them to be found,” he explains.

He’s not exaggerating—look up and you’ll find bicycles and vintage light fixtures dangling overhead. Used guitars dot the exposed-brick wall, holding court alongside Loretta Lynn’s sequined stage dress from the 1970s. There are also actual relics from Wolfe’s show about antiquing, American Pickers, such as the 1942 Harley Von Dutch motorcycle that fans clamor to take selfies with.
The space is designed to be half-shop, half-museum—with a surprise hidden in every corner and a tag telling you its story.