It’s National Bomb Pop Day!

For most adults, eating a bomb pop on a hot summer day takes them for a stroll down memory lane. Every time I eat one, I am reminded of the little league baseball park where I grew up watching my big brother play ball. I can almost hear the crack of the bat and smell the red dirt of the base lines.
The bomb pop, born in 1955, is a patriotic pop from a patriotic time in American history. The original bomb pop, invented by James S. Merritt and D.S. Abernethy in Kansas City, Missouri on July 30, 1955 was red, white and blue with cherry, lime and blue raspberry flavorings. Today, it’s a treat that has a special place on Summer afternoons, especially when we have the chance to introduce kids to their very first one. Inevitably, when handing a child their first bomb pop, we find ourselves saying, “You know. I used to eat these when I was your age…”
Share the bomb pop love with some kids today, and while you’re at it, tell them about what life was like back when you used to eat them, because it’s National Bomb Pop Day!